Friday, October 10, 2014

Healthy Chicken and Rice Broccoli Dinner


1 bag cheesy broccoli
2 pnds. Boneless chicken
1 1/2 cups white minute rice
1/4 cup Colby jack shredded cheese
Dash of ground cumin
Salt and pepper to taste
1/8 cup skim milk
1 TBL. olive oil (or coat your pan with a little cooking spray)


Warm the white rice according to package directions (I do mine for 5-6 minutes in the microwave).

Meanwhile, saute the chicken in 1 Tablespoon olive oil or cooking spray until cooked through well, adding dashes of cumin, salt and pepper to taste.

Steam the cheesy broccoli in microwave according to package directions.

Next, add the cooked rice. Stir.

Add cheesy broccoli, stir once more. Add your milk, stir, add your shredded cheese, stir until thoroughly mixed well.

Serve warm.

I will keep updating more healthy recipes here when I get a chance! This was a discovery I made the other night when I was in a pinch and a big rush to throw dinner together with two cranky kids.

NOTE: You can also add 1 packet of cheese from a package of gluten-free mac n' cheese, if you want a cheesier flavor or creamier texture. If you do use the packet of cheese, I recommend using half n' half cream in place of milk, but either one will work great! This is just a way to tweak the recipe, it's not necessary. I think it tastes great just the way it is. My family really loved this one, too! :)