Saturday, June 6, 2015

Summer Craft for toddlers

My son is at that age where everything about nature fascinates him. He loves bugs, plants and all kinds of wild life. He loves animals in general, so does his sister, but she is still a little too young to understand it yet.

June brings one of my many favorite critters... Fireflies! Or, as I call them, Lightning Bugs (the hell if it's not "politically correct" I will always think of them as Lightning Bugs because that is exactly what I called them as a kid).

For a project, we cut out shapes of a firefly in construction paper (black), where we cut out the hole where the firefly would light up, we turned it over, and taped a piece of tissue paper (or plastic wrap works too) over the hole.

We held up our fireflies and shined our flashlights through the holes and watched the fireflies glow!

Like I said before, I love to use specific things each week to teach the kids, I will pick things like colors, numbers or the alphabet, and I incorporate animals into this now. So this week we have been learning about fireflies! This was a fun project of many that my son really enjoyed. We took the fireflies outside at night and he had a blast!