Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fitness Update - I lost 4 more pounds! Woot!!

So I've been back in my normal eating habits, mainly because my metabolism is back up in high gear now and because I need more calories with breastfeeding more since my baby girl is growing bigger and needs more food.

Even with her eating solids now, I am still pumping and storing breast milk, so I need to eat better. I am also still taking prenatal vitamins, but I'm switching from the pills to the chewables on and off because the pills can get to be too much if taken too often.

My weight is 120, and I've toned my body and gained a lot of muscle! While I was not doing this fitness stuff necessarily for the superficial reasons, I was more so doing it to build stamina and endurance in order to keep up with two kids all day, but I've gained a toned body with lots of definition and have trimmed down to a weight I have not been in about 4 years (due to pregnancy).

Now, there is one problem with losing all this weight... My clothes no longer fit :(. I'm kind of depressed because I had just bought these clothes and am in love with them and cannot find them anywhere else.

I have had to purposely "shrink" my pants and shorts in the washer and dryer, in order to cheat so I don't have to buy new stuff with winter coming soon! I will definitely update on how to shrink your clothes just right so that they fit great after you lose weight ;).

I did recently go shopping for tops, though, so I'm glad I don't have to worry about shrinking sweaters because sweaters are tricky enough as it is. :)

However, I will need to shrink my tank tops and t-shirts yet.

I've been keeping on tabs with my dumbbell weights and ab crunches and walks. I haven't been doing as much walking, but I'm still keeping the weight off and it's been almost 3 weeks and I've actually lost 2 pounds, then 2 more, and have not been gaining. So for now I am just sticking to a pretty light routine, which I will post about when I get another chance, as far as work outs and eating plans go.

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