Wednesday, September 3, 2014

On The Hunt for a Good History Book

I am shameless book worm. I don't care if people think that makes me nerdy. I would wear the title "nerd" with pride if it was mine jsut for being smart.

I've been on a war kick lately. I've always loved history . . . And I've always read books on history, too. It was my most loved subject in school as well.

I read a book titled The Dark Summer years ago, and loved it. I go to the library every chance I get (that's how much I read) and pick up some good books, which will be whatever I am in the mood for at the time. I read a wide variety of books. Anything interests me as long as I am elarning from it or interested in the plot and characters.

Of course, in history, everything seems to interest me! Especially our world, and wars, and politics. While I'm not necessarily on any one side there, on the subject of politics, and have always considered myself a middle-of-the-road type of gal, probably because I know and understand way too much about politics and every angle, in spite of that I really love politics. I always have.

Maybe it's also because my husband's been reading a lot of the enws lately and has been sharing with me a lot of what is going on witht he wars, and it must have sparked that mood up in me to find a good book on war and government and history. I can't decide on which subject I need exactly, so I am going to anturally pick up about 6 different books on all those subjects haha.

The one at the top of my list? How Hitler Could Have Won WWII: The Fatal Errors That Led To Nazi Defeat by Bevin Alexander. Don't judge me. I told you I read ANYTHING.

I am of European blood, so I suppose that's where my love of European hsitory, literature and culture stems from. But I've always enjoyed all world hsitory and all types of literature from all over the place, and not jsut on the suybject of wars or politics, but immigration and the witch hunts and everything else in between. I'm sure once the snow starts falling I'll be back into my mood for a mystery like Sherlock Holmes or whatever, maybe even a holiday chick lit book, but right now I am on a history hunt.

I found this book and am waiting impatiently for it to arrive at the store. It's probably been way too long since I've read a hsitory book and I am kicking myself in the butt for not getting something sooner. I think the last books I read involving history were the Lewis and Clark journals.

Let me tell you . . . Those journals were GREAT! I would read them fifty times over.

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