Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year 2015

As a pagan, when the New Year arrives, renewal, purification, fertility and new beginnings are so important to me. I am of a nature based faith, and am very in tune with the world and it's shifting of seasons. In fact, seasons are very important to me period. I may not "look" like the "type" but trust me, I am, heart and soul. My destiny, my goals, my lifetime and my fate is centered around the universe and it's many wonders.

Each season means something to me, not the ordinary "I can't wait for warmer weather" or "I wish there was less snow during the winter" but more that I look forward to each changing season for it's own unique beauty and miracles. How can you not? There are those who prefer the warmth, the sun, the ocean. There are those who prefer cooler weather, like Fall and Winter. I'm the type who prefers all the seasons, whichever season it is at this point in time, that is my favorite season for the time being. Because each season means just as much to me as all the rest, just in different ways, because they are all different yet all just as important as the other.

So, I've been preparing for Spring, and I've been starting this preparation inside my home. I recently boxed up, bagged up and got rid of a ton of things that were either cluttering up our space or just not useful for us anymore. Mostly clothes and toys, but some books and other nick knacks that no longer served a purpose or that we simply didn't need. It feels so great getting rid of clutter and extra stuff around here! I can tell a major difference already.

My next step was planning a layout for organization throughout the house. I started with the kids' room and worked my way throughout the home. Our bedroom needed it badly! Now that all the extra stuff is finally gone and out of the way, my next agenda is shopping for organizational supplies such as more shelves, baskets, containers, etc. I will post a bunch of pictures as soon as I get everything squared away!

We do plan on moving soon, so a lot of things I really want to do will be put on hold for our new place. But for now, organizing our closet space and other sections of the home will be at the top of my to-do list.

I also am revamping my wardrobe. Since having my second baby, I've lost so much weight that none of my clothes fit anymore! I now weigh 114 lbs. I am so happy to be at a weight I am comfortable with again. And my metabolism is very high still, so I still eat whatever I want. My kids also keep me extremely active! So I know that keeps me slim, too. I'm definitely plenty busy! :)

And I am also preparing for Ostara and soon after Beltane! I'm so excited! I love welcoming in the warmer months with these celebrations. And now that my son is older, egg hunting this Easter will be so much fun! I can't wait!

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