Friday, November 15, 2013

Thanksgiving Preparations

Each year I usually do a run through on Thanksgiving dinner. I absolutely love being a host for the holidays! Dinners are my specialty ;). This year I am doing things a little differently, though.

For the first two years I did Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, I normally just waited to shop the day before the meal and busy myself preparing everything from decorating to dinner to desserts, and that has always left little time for family, which is my favorite part about the holidays!

This year I promised myself it would be different, and rather than rushing around in one day trying to get a million things done, I would make as much ahead of time as I possibly could, and shop for everything at least a couple weeks to one month ahead of time. So far, it's been working out great! The only problem is that a lot of things do go on sale around Thanksgiving, and I have just adjusted my shopping list accordingly.

Also, I made a menu with the entire dinner plan on it, and I wrote a list of items I will need for dinner, so I can easily shop and mark off what I get as I go, rather than going over recipes at the last minute and trying to figure out what exactly I need. This year I've become a lot more organized, and this year will give me a lot more time with my family :) I could not ask for more!

To keep organized and focused this Thanksgiving, here are some great tips I have learned so far that may help you during this holiday season:

1. First, get your dinner menu together. Figure out exactly what dishes you are having, and if you plan on having help then figure in what dishes others' are bringing or making.

2. Second will be the meal planning. This is the part where, after gathering your recipes or meal menu together you go over ingredients and items you will need. Jot those down on a piece of paper or an app on your phone and make a trip to the grocery store.

3. You can get things gradually. For instance, rather than one day shopping for the entire meal, shop for items specifically for make-ahead dishes like the cranberry sauce, which you can make 1 month ahead of time if you really want to. Purchase the perishables closer to dinner though, as those you generally make ahead the night before or day before, depending on your schedule.

Also buy cards and things of that nature well ahead of time as well so you won't be late sending them out or shopping while it's hectic and busy in the stores for them. These "little things" should help make the holidays time for family and the festivities. After all, you deserve to have more time to enjoy them!

Time with family is the most important part of the holiday season! The more time I can spend with them the happier I will be :).

I hope these tips help you all!

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